When you have kids, your relationship changes suddenly and drastically right at the very moment you hear that little being for the very first time. Some things change for the better and some things change….how do I put this….they change. And when health and NICUs and constant hospital trips come into play, it’s a whole different challenge.

These past few years have been challenging, and although seemingly slowing down, they can still be quite a challenge. These past years have also been incredibly rewarding and exhilarating. I’m so very thankful I’ve shared every single moment with you. It’s been easy to forget about us with so much going on these days, but you try everyday to make sure that we just have a moment that is ours and ours alone.

You have given me a life I always dreamed of, a real-life fairytale and you are my prince charming. I look forward to the adventures to come and many more naps on the beach.

You are my husband, my best friend, my everything.

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